(2001). Estimation of Parameters of Lomax Distribution Based on Record Values. The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 45(2), 135-142. doi: 10.21608/esju.2001.313809
. "Estimation of Parameters of Lomax Distribution Based on Record Values". The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 45, 2, 2001, 135-142. doi: 10.21608/esju.2001.313809
(2001). 'Estimation of Parameters of Lomax Distribution Based on Record Values', The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 45(2), pp. 135-142. doi: 10.21608/esju.2001.313809
Estimation of Parameters of Lomax Distribution Based on Record Values. The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 2001; 45(2): 135-142. doi: 10.21608/esju.2001.313809
Estimation of Parameters of Lomax Distribution Based on Record Values
In this paper, we derive exact explicit expressions for the single and double moments of the upper record values from Lomax distribution. We then use these expressions to compute t? mean, variance and the best linear unbiased estimates (BLUE's) of the location and scale parameters of Lomax distribution. Finally, we obtain the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE's) and compare them with the BLUE's.