(2005). A Prediction Model for Warranty Reserves Using the Log-Logistic Distribution. The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 49(2), 199-212. doi: 10.21608/esju.2005.313566
. "A Prediction Model for Warranty Reserves Using the Log-Logistic Distribution". The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 49, 2, 2005, 199-212. doi: 10.21608/esju.2005.313566
(2005). 'A Prediction Model for Warranty Reserves Using the Log-Logistic Distribution', The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 49(2), pp. 199-212. doi: 10.21608/esju.2005.313566
A Prediction Model for Warranty Reserves Using the Log-Logistic Distribution. The Egyptian Statistical Journal, 2005; 49(2): 199-212. doi: 10.21608/esju.2005.313566
A Prediction Model for Warranty Reserves Using the Log-Logistic Distribution
Many products carry warranty that offers protection for the consumer against low quality. This paper considers the problem of assessing the size of reserve needed by the manufacturer to meet future claims. We assume that the failure-time has Log-Logistic distribution Maximum likelihood estimate for the shape and the scale parameters of the Log-Logistic distribution are obtained. Prediction of a future number of failures during the warranty period, is presented. The effect on total warranty reserve cost is considered under several warranty models in case of non-repairable products. A numerical example is given to illustrate the theoretical results.